Friends Book

Friends book is an internal project that was created for Project A employees to get to know each other a little better. It goes far beyond standard role descriptions, and tells all about the coworkers: their interests, their experiences and their personalities. The book is the first volume published in 2021 and includes 89 profiles of Project A employees.

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Editorial design
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Print special finishing


Christian Pietrzok
Katherina Gorbova
Natalia Bulashenko


In remote times, the HR department at PAV wanted to bring all employees closer together by going deeper into their personal stories. The idea of the Friends book was created to showcase a set of interview questions, from their funniest moment at Project A to their all-time favourite song. The goal was to collect all stories in a carefully designed and printed book, as a gift for everyone to learn about their colleagues from the comfort of their living room.


The solution is an engaging book divided into teams, and each employee has its own book spread that includes a table with the questions and their answers. To make it more playful and interesting to follow, we decided to use emojis and break the layout with personal profile pictures, high contrast in the typesetting and dynamic layouts where text is highlighted and rotated. As a result, each employee had their own unique spread. For the material, we chose a cardboard cover with corporate blue hot foil stamping using the corporate font which allowed us to make the Project A brand recognisable.

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Natalia Bulashenko

Head of Design